

Payne S, Begovic D, Salifu Y, Nelson A, Payne C, Downing J, Natsiavas P, Ling J. Applying Digital Health in Cancer and Palliative Care in Europe: Policy Recommendations from an International Expert Workshop (MyPal Project), J Palliat Med. 2024 Feb;27(2):216-223. doi: 10.1089/jpm.2023.0309. Epub 2023 Sep 22. PMID: 37738323; PMCID: PMC11339547.

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Bonotis P, Natsiavas P. Physician-Reported Experience and Usability of the MyPal Platform: A Palliative Care Digital Health Intervention, 33rd Medical Informatics Europe Conference (#MIE2023) and IOS Press

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2023 May 18;302:686-687 | doi: 10.3233/SHTI230239. PMID: 37203470.

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Title cover of the MyPal eBook

Sheila Payne, Yakubu Salifu, Dunja Begovic, and Anthony Greenwood (eds.) The European MyPal study: Developing digital health for adults and children with cancer. Lancaster University (December 2022)

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Bonotis P, Schera F, Karamanidou C, Scarfo L, Pontikoglou C, Maramis C. Co-Designing Smartphone Notifications According to the Clinical Routine of Cancer Patients. 19th International Conference on Informatics, Management and Technology in Healthcare (#ICIMTH2021) and IOS

Stud Health Technol Inform. 2022 Jan 14;289:494-495. | doi: 10.3233/SHTI210967. PMID: 35062200.

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Mirzaie K, Burns-Gebhart A, Meyerheim M, Sander A, Graf N. Emotion Regulation Flexibility and Electronic Patient-Reported Outcomes: A Framework for Understanding Symptoms and Affect Dynamics in Pediatric Psycho-Oncology. Cancers. 2022 Aug 11;14(16):3874. Available from:

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Garani-Papadatos Tina, Natsiavas Pantelis, Meyerheim Marcel, Hoffmann Stefan, Karamanidou Christina, Payne Sheila (2022) Ethical Principles in Digital Palliative Care for Children: The MyPal Project and Experiences Made in Designing a Trustworthy Approach
Front. Digit. Health 4:730430. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.730430

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Payne Cathy, Kondylakis Haridimos, Koumakis Lefteris (2022) Editorial: Digital Health for Palliative Care
Front. Digit. Health 4:888419. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2022.888419

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Hoffmann Stefan, Schraut Robert, Kröll Thomas, Scholz Wiebke, Belova Tatiana, Erhardt Johann, Gollmer Daniel, Mauck Christian, Zacharioudakis Giorgos, Meyerheim Marcel, Bonotis Panos, Kakalou Christine, Chatzimina Maria, Karamanidou Christina, Sander Annette, Didi Jana, Graf Norbert, Natsiavas Pantelis (2021) AquaScouts: ePROs Implemented as a Serious Game for Children With Cancer to Support Palliative Care
Front. Digit. Health 3:730948 | doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.730948

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Koumakis Lefteris, Schera Fatima, Parker Heather, Bonotis Panos, Chatzimina Maria, Argyropaidas Panagiotis, Zacharioudakis Giorgos, Schäfer Michael, Kakalou Christine, Karamanidou Christina, Didi Jana, Kazantzaki Eleni, Scarfo Lydia, Marias Kostas, Natsiavas Pantelis (2021) Fostering Palliative Care Through Digital Intervention: A Platform for Adult Patients With Hematologic Malignancies
Front. Digit. Health 3:730722 | doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.730722

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Lydia Scarfò, Christina Karamanidou, Michael Doubek, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Jana Didi, Charalampos Pontikoglou, Julie Ling, Cathy Payne, Helen Α. Papadaki, Richard Rosenquist, Niki Stavroyianni, Sheila Payne, Paolo Ghia, Pantelis Natsiavas, Christos Maramis, Kostas Stamatopoulos (2021) The MyPal Adult Study Protocol: A Randomized Clinical Trial of the MyPal ePRO-based Early Palliative Care System in Adult Patients with Haematological Malignancies. BMJ Open 2021;11:e050256. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050256

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Marcel Meyerheim, Anna Burns-Gebhart, Kasra Mirzaie, Tina Garani-Papadatos, Yvonne Braun, Norbert Graf (2021) Challenges and pitfalls for implementing digital health solutions in clinical feasibility studies in Europe. Frontiers in Digital Health 2021 May 27;281:1124-1125. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210375. PMID: 34042868

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Bonotis P, Chytas A, Zacharioudakis G, Karamanidou C, Koumakis L, Stamatopoulos K, Natsiavas P. (2021) Randomization of Clinical Trial Participants via an Integrated Web Service. Stud Health Technol Inform 2021 May 27;281:1124-1125. doi: 10.3233/SHTI210375. PMID: 34042868

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Payne S, Collingridge Moore D, Stamatopoulos K (2021) MyPal: designing and evaluating digital patient reported outcome systems for cancer palliative care in Europe. Journal of Palliative Medicine DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2021.0120

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Meyerheim M, Karamanidou C, Payne S, Garani-Papadatos T, Sander A, Downing J, Stamatopoulos K, Ling J, Payne C, Scarfò L, Lokaj P, Maramis C, Graf N. (2021) The MyPal-Child study protocol: an observational prospective clinical feasibility study of the MyPal ePRO based early palliative care digital system in paediatric oncology patients BMJOpen 2021;11:e045226. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045226

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Karamanidou C, Maramis C, Stamatopoulos K, Koutkias V. (2020) Development of a ePRO-Based Palliative Care Intervention for Cancer Patients: A Participatory Design Approach. Stud Health Technol Inform 2020 Jun 16;270:941-945. doi: 10.3233/SHTI200300. PMID: 32570520

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Karamanidou C, Natsiavas P, Koumakis L, Marias K, Schera F, Schafer M, Payne S, Maramis C. (2020) Electronic patient-reported outcome-based interventions for palliative cancer care: A systematic and mapping review. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics 4: doi: 10.1200/CCI.20.00015.

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