Dr. Pantelis Natsiavas is a Software Engineer/Researcher, heading the eHealth Lab at the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) of Centre for Research and Technology Hellas in Thessaloniki, Greece. He holds a PhD from Sorbonne University (Paris, France) on the domain of Medical Informatics. Moreover, Dr. Natsiavas holds a Diploma of Electrical and Computer Engineering and two MSc degrees in the domain of Computer Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). He has worked as a software engineer with companies both located in Greece and abroad, providing services regarding software development and consulting. Since 2013, he has been part of many European and national research and development projects on Medical Informatics, related to telemonitoring, health data security, drug safety and pharmacovigilance. His personal research interest is the use of Knowledge Engineering approaches to support drug development and drug safety via novel data modelling approaches.

Dr. Natsiavas became the Technical Coordinator of MyPal in August 2020. His priority in terms of MyPal is to facilitate the development of the platform and its integration in the clinical context as efficiently as possible. Integrating a newly developed ICT platform in real-world clinical practice and home care is a rather ambitious goal, not to mention the challenging situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, he is planning a User Experience study in collaboration with the respective technical partners, aiming to identify potential barriers regarding the adoption of eHealth solutions in the context of palliative care. Furthermore, he aims to actively pursue the dissemination of the technical achievements of the MyPal project, especially seeking to interact with other technical stakeholders in the domain of Medical Informatics at the European level. Finally, he plans to investigate further uses of the MyPal platform to support the electronic Patient Reported Outcomes (ePRO) paradigm beyond palliative care and cancer.