MyPal Newsletter #4
This is the fourth edition of the newsletter, focusing on contributions from our partners working in both of the MyPal clinical studies. We also feature a guest contribution in this issue, discussing how a range of digital technologies has been adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Newsletter 4 Editorial
Dr Cathy Payne introduces the first newsletter of 2021
Call for Articles for Frontiers in Digital Health
Contributions invited for a special issue of Frontiers in Digital Health
Spotlight on Pantelis Natsiavas
Dr Pantelis Natsiavas discusses his new role as Technical Coordinator for the MyPal Project
MyPal Adult Study Update
In her contribution, Dr Lydia Scarfò describes the development of the MyPAL Adult study.
Green light for starting MyPal4Kids Study
Marcel Meyerheim provides an overview of the game developed specifically for children
MyPal Project Overview Video
An animated overview demonstrating the rationale of the MyPal Project
The current opportunities and challenges for the use of communication technologies in palliative care contexts
Dr Amara Nwosu explores how the COVID19 pandemic has led to rapid adoption of a range of digital technologies
MyPal Publications Progress
Take a look at recent publication developments from the MyPal project team