In these difficult and troubling times, we nonetheless welcome you to the Spring 2020 edition of the MyPal newsletter.
We begin with the very sad news of the death of MyPal Project Coordinator, Dr Vassilis Koutkias, in December 2019. Vassilis was the primary initiator of MyPal and steered the project from its successful grant application through to the first year of operation. He will be greatly missed by his colleagues in CERTH and the wider MyPal team. A tribute to Vassilis and his life is given by those who worked closely with him.
Focus on the technical challenges in MyPal
In this issue, we focus attention on some of the technical challenges posed in the project. It includes:
• An interview with Lefteris Koumakis who leads the team in Crete working on the patient reported outcome (PRO) tool for the adult study.
• A description of the work involved in developing PROs for mobile devices.
• A spotlight on the work of MyPal project partner, Atlantis Healthcare, in motivational messaging and developing an online discussion guide for healthcare professionals.
Keep in touch
We have yet to see what additional challenges MyPal may face in the coming months as Europe struggles with the effects of Covid-19. However, we hope that you will enjoy this edition of the newsletter and we welcome your feedback through our Twitter and Facebook platforms.

Sean Hughes
Lecturer in Palliative Care, International Observatory on End of Life Care, Lancaster University, United Kingdom