Ethical approval


The MyPal-Adult clinical trial protocol was completed on 31 October. The writing of the protocol was led by Assistant Professor Lydia Scarfo  and Professor Paolo Ghia of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (USR), Milan, Italy. After approval by the European Union project officer, it was then submitted for approval by the Ethics Committee at USR. The study was approved by the committee on 05 February 2020 which now paves the way for its submission to the other clinical sites. The study is under evaluation in Czech Republic and the submission in Greece will be soon finalised.


The MyPal-Child clinical study protocol has recently been given approval by the ethics committees at Saarland University Hospital, Germany, and University Hospital Brno, Czech Republic. Once approval has been given at Hannover Medical School, Germany, this will mean that all three sites can then begin recruiting patients to MyPal-Child study.


University College London (UCL), Centre for Behaviour Change (CBC) Conference 06-07 April  2020

The special focus of this conference is “Behaviour Change for Health: current and emerging science and technologies”. Members from Altantis Healthcare, led by Dr Jonathan Weston, are presenting “Digital Patient Reported Outcomes to enhance palliative cancer care: Development of tools to provide tailored app engagement and treatment adherence support” about their work on MyPal

30th Medical Informatics Europe conference (MIE) 28 April – 1 May 2020

At this conference in Geneva, Switzerland, organized in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO), team members from the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas, Thessaloniki, Greece (CERTH) will be presenting a paper about the focus group methodology used to develop the MyPal technologies.