by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
MyPal Spring 2022 Newsletter Editorial: Ethics and equity in digital health care research “Information allows choices, individually, nationally and internationally. Ultimately, the network should include everybody.” (Cicely Saunders, Founder of St Christopher’s...
by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
Elpida Pavi and Tina Garani-Papadatos discuss their institution’s role in MyPal as the leaders of the Work Package on ethics. Can you tell us a little about the work and history of your institution? The University of West Attica (UniWA-PDA) is the result of a merger...
by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
Professor Richard Rosenquist Brandell, PI for Karolinska Institutet, discusses his institution’s experiences as one of the clinical sites within the MyPal-Adult study. What is your role in the MyPal project and how did you get involved? Karolinska Institutet is...
by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
Dr Jon Reston of Atlantis Healthcare UK outlines some of the ethical issues associated with interventions aimed at changing behaviour. “Behaviour change” is something we all engage in all the time. We all intend to change our behaviours sometimes – making a New Year’s...
by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
A summary of the four articles related to MyPal which form part of the special issue of Frontiers in Digital Health on the topic of palliative care. In last year’s spring newsletter, we published a call for papers for a special issue of the open-access...
by Panos Bonotis | 28 April 2022 | Newsletter 6
Recently the MyPal project has produced a new video demonstrating the use of its technical platform, which is currently being evaluated through the two MyPal clinical studies. In this video all the technical aspects and uses of the MyPal platform are elaborated and it...